UNLEASHED - The Hunt For White Christ LP (Black Vinyl)

UNLEASHED - The Hunt For White Christ LP (Black Vinyl)

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Black vinyl version. Strictly Limited Edition indicated on back.
Released in gatefold with coloured printed inner sleeve.

In addition to being one of the better outings to come out of Unleashed’s now quite extensive body of work, there is a pretty clear case to be made that despite originating as an uneven split-off band of the pioneering Nihilist project (the rest of whom formed the iconic Entombed), that this band is now the premier band of Sweden’s death metal forefathers. While Entombed sees two rivaling factions battling for control of an admittedly played out death ‘n’ roll fad, Grave chugs along at a respectable yet slower rate and Dismember has been defunct for going on 7 years now, Hedlund and company seem to have come out of things with the last laugh and a major contender for best death metal album of 2018. Forget the edited for television version of Viking exploits that various Folk outfits offer or even the harder-hitting version that Amon Amarth trots out, if you want the real definition of Norse brutality, this is the album to hear.