SARCOFAGO - I.N.R.I. (Blue Cover) LP (Black Vinyl)
Greyhaze Records version, huge insert, blue cover.
If you want good production, look away. This album has the darkness, the raw energy, and the untamed rage that every early death metal captures perfectly. Think Seven Churches by Possessed, but on steroids. This album picks up on every drum fill, every guitar lick, every growl and grunt and scream, but there's an underlying inaudibility to the music that gives it a scary quality. It sounds like the music is being blocked by a Satanic wall of evil, and we're only listening to what manages to escape. The band creates such an authentic, but also surreal feel with the music here. It sounds like Sarcófago is truly living the experience they write their music about, but simultaneously it feels like they were sent by Lucifer himself to convey the clearest message of what Hell is like. This album is a very unique and extreme experience, and listeners should always take caution. But man, is it worth it.