ROOT - Zjevení Digi-CD
I am not too wild about new Root material. It’s not my cup of tea at all, really. Their old stuff however (the demos, Zjeveni, Hell Symphony, and the Temple in the Underworld), I love. But I am in no way bashing new Root, because it obviously is extremely well put together and I can understand why someone into that form of metal would like it, but personally, when it comes to metal, I really only listen to the old stuff (and some newer bands who play older sounding forms of metal). And that is just what Zjeveni is – old school, archaic, haunting, off kilter black metal, done in a completely unique fashion, just like what most of those of Czech bands were doing at the time. This album is just amazing. The production, the songwriting, the riffs, the atmosphere, the vocals, etc. It is all just brilliant.