PROTECTOR - Misanthropy MCD
Hailing from Germany, Protector entered a bit late in the German thrash metal scene. Contrary to their country mates of Sodom, Destruction and Kreator, Protector started off only by 1986 and these other bands already had some albums and material out. However, despite being late, Protector had so much potential and they showed it with this EP. After releasing a two tracks demo in 1986, called "Protector of Death", drummer Michael Hasse decided to quit doing vocals and the band then decided to get a new "proper" singer. Martin Missy rejoined the band and became to be the last member of Protector of that era today. He brought a less evil, but more aggressive voice and tone to the band, and many different vocal styles that we can see in the first few Protector records. Their first official effort as a 4 man piece was the Misanthropy EP and was released in 1987, at a time that most German bands began to experiment other things then evil and maleficent thrash. The mini-album still succeeded in gaining attention because of its difference of what was going on at this time.