OPPROBRIUM - Beyond The Unknown CD
The well-traveled crossroads intersecting thrash metal and early (early) death metal is one of many blurred lines and instances of conjecture. Without knowing the state of mind the musicians were in at the time of recording, one can only guess as to whether or not there was a conscious effort to blaze altogether new trails, or simply continue pushing thrash's boundaries, which had honestly already reached critical mass. Enter Louisiana's Incubus, who dropped a couple of true thrash/death juggernauts in the late '80s, their debut even predating the venerable Altars of Madness! Beyond the Unknown is the second, and by a margin more impressive of these two albums; and while I have personally witnessed some confusion between this act and the Florida/Georgia haven for displaced Morbid Angel members (Rest in peace, SVS), this Incubus is the one you want in your corner.