Mayhemic is a young band that carries the torch of the savage, pummeling, and dark style of thrash that old Kreator, Dark Angel, and many South American bands mastered in the 80's.
From the moment it all starts with “Kollarbone Crushed Neanderthal” and ends with “Toba,” the 36 minutes showcase the band's best ideas to date, striking a balance between directness and clarity while also exploring deeper musical concepts. Within this storm of pummeling speed, there’s a much more adventurous side to their music. Keyboard parts stand out at key moments, enriching their sound, and there’s the speed metal vibe of “Eschatological Symphony,” which follows a classic formula yet perfectly fulfills the song’s intent.
Despite having a familiar sound and ideas that align with what’s well-known in the genre, the music remains fresh, direct, and true to the style. A great example is “Olduvai's Lullaby,” a track that delves into classic extreme thrash but also features great solos and quasi-progressive sections introduced seamlessly amidst the relentless aggression. The production, while fairly clear, retains plenty of warmth, dynamics, and raw energy. It avoids the exhausting, sterile feel of many modern productions, which is always a welcome choice.