MAYHEM - Wolf's Lair Abyss CD
Wolf's Lair Abyss is an almost 35 minute long piece of fierce, relentless, unstoppable black metal executed in the most flawless, intricate, professional way possible, leaving no doubt to anyone who knows how to accurately and appropriately value this type of music about the band being more than just alive and well even after the untimely death of their leader and mastermind. As many other bands would've taken the easy way out and would have gone the easy route by simply quitting after releasing something as good as De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and blame their discontinuity on an event that escaped their power while laying back and enjoying their legendary cult status and fame off of the surrounding controversy and popularity, Mayhem did exactly the opposite by unapologetically (and somewhat unexpectedly as well) releasing this thing. They surely and thoroughly provoked anyone who might have thought they were done for and over with to try and test their worth by unleashing a powerful, angry, mean-spirited, violent black metal attack like it had never been witnessed before by adepts of the genre and challenging their contemporaneous creators with more than enough credit to do just that.