DEATHWITCH - Monumental Mutilations CD
Deathwitch are a band I haven't heard much from...but this CD certainly impressed me despite the rather silly artwork. Deathwitch play a mix of blasting death, thrash and black metal that is well produced, intensly played and shockingly varied. Deathwitch have created a diverse collection of thrashers on this record that alternate many styles while not ever becoming a total mess at the same time. Harsh vocals, skilled drums, good production...total Satan worshipping insanity?!?!
I'm impressed!
Key tracks on this death-feast include the thrashtastic "Possessed Sadist", "Flag of Black Death" and "Terror Doom". Also noteworthy are the technical rape-of-death attack of "Fire Fuck" and the early-Entombed grind of "Total Cremation". A few tracks here or there fall into blast-beat boredom but overall this is a strong effort featuring a great mix of crushing death/doom riffs mixed with blasting grind-death. This record may not always be catchy, but it's NEVER boring.