CARCASS - Symphonies Of Sickness LP (Black Vinyl)
By "Symphonies Of Sickness" you can fully experience the genius of these British for the first (but not last!) time. Over the course of just a year, the trio approached the topic much more seriously, reduced the number of songs (to ten - last time we had twenty-two of them) and made the production so much clearer that most of the motifs can be distinguished from it, as in the case of "Reek Of Putrefaction" came with some difficulties. So everything on "Symphonies..." is perfect. It crushes the low, yet fleshy sound of the guitars, inventive solos by Bill Steer (not too frequent, but when they appear, they stay in the mind for a long time), charming, necro-climate (and occasional keyboard additions in "Cadaveric Incubator Of Endoparasites" and "Reek Of Putrefaction" [not to be confused with the album of the same title] intensify this effect even more), well-done, pathological vocals (as before, screechy by Jeff Walker, guttural by Bill Steer and occasional, distorted by Ken Owen) and of course the idea itself for songs. These, in turn, are definitely more thought out than their predecessor, they have a lot of captivating riffs, they more often allow for slower parts (which will crush you!), although, to be clear, intense blasting has not been abandoned here either. Examples are "Exhume To Consume", "Excoriating Abdominal Emanation", "Ruptured In Purulence" (with the iconic drum introduction), "Crepitating Bowel Erosion" and "Embryonic Necropsy And Devourment" (with a total guitar orgy at the end), although with such a great repertoire it would be best to simply list the entire tracklist.